Blogging Community

Chuffed to be nominated on Mal Dewhirst’s Pollysworda blog for The Liebster Award. Since I have never met Mal, even to chat on FB, I am treasuring his lovely comments regarding Fox Tales. (I’m going to quote him in my “about” info.)

Leibster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.

If you receive the award, you should:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.

2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.

4. Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favourite bloggers and keep it going!’

So now I have to decide my nominations – and it’s hard to choose. I love reading other blogs – activist, artistic or philosophical. Some are regulars – because they post on FaceBook – some I catch up with when I remember to check in on their progress.

So, in no particular order, here are five:

This writer’s life by Teresa Stenson
Confession: I have slept with Teresa.
I’m going to milk that for all it’s worth once she’s famous.
(We’ve shared a room. I’m the one that snores.)
Teresa is one of the most original, sparky young writers I have been lucky enough to meet over the last few years. Her writing is utterly easy. I should hate her but she’s also lovely. And better than me at party games. And pretty much everything else, except age. And snoring.

365: A Photo A Day by Helen Lewis
Helen is a talented writer and photographer. This is her photo blog and I find it incredibly inspiring seeing her interpretations of the world around her and how her pictures have taken her through so much over the months.

Lies, Ink by Pan Purdue
Flash fiction whizz Dan’s been very tolerant of my crap grammar over the last couple of years. I bought his collection a while back because it was the polite thing to do, him being a writing friend and all, but then I discovered it’s FANTASTIC. Started reading it in the car waiting for one of my offspring to finish a class and was rather miffed when they were – for once – on time. I might even attempt a review. (Don’t hold out, though.)

The Road to Donnick Cottage by Ron Runeborg
Ron’s American by birth, Swedish by ancestry and mixed up by nature. He also writes as Erik the Melancholy. I just want to give him a big hug.

I am * Writer by Bella De La Rocher
Absolutely fascinating. Especially the Faces. And now with writing tips, too. I daren’t say more as she has her own mystique.

All this reminds me I must update my blog roll …

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6 Responses to Blogging Community

  1. Dan Purdue says:

    Aw, thank you, Myfanwy. That’s a pretty good review, right there. Much appreciated!

    And, not that I’m a stickler for proper grammar, spelling, etc, but… you’ve called me Pan in your link. I’ve just checked, and I don’t have cloven hooves…

  2. HIYA MYFANWy – I’ve already said thankyou over on my own blog but I just wanted to say it here as well, it;s not everyday I get a reward!!! Apart from the reward of writing itself, of course.

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